Silvio Abreu
Funchal, Madeira, Portugal
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  • Silvio's Blog

  • Jun 26th 2021 at 7:05 AM
    Paella Valenciana


    400g of needle rice (I used special paella)
    100g of peas
    1 bag of fresh clams
    500 g of shrimp (20/30)
    2 chicken legs
    2 chicken wings
    3 rabbit tenderloins
    1 onion
    4 cloves of garlic
    olive oil q.s. (grease the bottom of the pan with the paella)
    saffron q.s.
    salt q.s.
    1.5 liters of water
    1/4 red pepper strips



    Peel the onion and garlic and chop them finely.
    Place them in a paellera, add the oil and heat until the onion is translucent.
    Add the chicken and rabbit and let it fry for a while.
    Then add the previously washed and drained peas and clams.
    Sprinkle with the saffron.
    Add the rice and add the boiling water.
    Stir slightly and let the rice cook.
    Arrange the whole shrimp on top.
    After 5 minutes, reduce the heat to the minimum and cook for another 20 minutes.
    Turn it off and let it rest for 10 minutes, tapad

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