Silvio Abreu
Funchal, Madeira, Portugal
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  • Silvio's Blog

  • Jul 10th 2021 at 11:14 AM
    Molotof with Caramel



    Egg whites - 12
    Sugar – 12 Tablespoons of Soup


    Yellow Sugar - 1 Cup
    Cream – 1/2 Cup (or if you want a smoother 1/4 milk 1/4 cream)
    Butter - 2 Tbsp
    Salt - Pinch



    To make molotof, start by preheating the oven to 180C.
    Then in a large bowl beat the egg whites, then add the sugar and beat a little more (I usually make 12 scoops but make 10 try and adjust according to your taste, it should be sweet but not super sweet), until everything is ok in castle.
    Take a castle tin and butter it very well, this is important because the egg whites are fragile and easily stick, at this point if you want you can add some caramel to the bottom, I usually don't add it.
    Put it in the oven for about 20 minutes, after the time has passed, turn the oven off and let the molotof dry inside for a while, take it out when the oven has cooled down.
    Finally, carefully unmold and cover with the liquid caramel.
    Caramel is simple, add all the ingredients, sugar with 2 tablespoons of water, caramelize until it starts to darken (it's not yet a caramel but it's at a close point), at this point remove from the heat, add the butter, stir and then the cream and stir well, put it back on the heat for another 5 minutes to get a little thicker and finally a pinch of salt and that's it.

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Molotof with Caramel
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