Silvio Abreu
Funchal, Madeira, Portugal
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  • Silvio's Blog

  • May 30th 2021 at 2:53 PM
    Mint Flan


    1 can of condensed milk
    7 dl semi-skimmed milk
    1 dl of mint liquor
    10 sheets of colorless gelatin (18g)
    1 coffee spoon of green food coloring



    Start by hydrating the gelatin sheets in cold water for about 4 minutes.
    Heat 1 dl of the 7 dl of milk ordered in the recipe and dissolve the gelatin sheets previously drained in the hot milk.
    In a bowl, mix the condensed milk with the mint liqueur and the dye and mix well.
    Then add the milk little by little, stirring to mix well.
    Finally, add the milk with the gelatin, stir well and pour into a form to taste.
    Refrigerate for a few hours, unmold and serve.

    1 comments - add a comment
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    Jun 2nd 2021 at 3:21 AM by Klara Schmidtz
    Yummm, love mint!
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