Silvio Abreu
Funchal, Madeira, Portugal
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  • Silvio's Blog

  • May 17th 2021 at 2:46 AM
    Coffee pudding


    8 eggs
    2 cans of condensed milk with 397g each
    4 spoons of soup well full of soluble coffee
    300 ml of milk
    200 ml of cream
    50 ml of whiskey
    Liquid caramel q.b.
    1 form of pudding with capacity for 2 liters



    1. In a little tackle the milk and the coffee.
    Stir with a rod of wires until the milk is warm.
    After the warm milk, remove from the heat and mix the whiskey.

    2. In a bowl, place the condensed milk, the parties and the creams.
    Beat a little and slowly add the milk with the coffee.
    Beat until everything is well mixed.

    3. Line the shape with the liquid caramel.
    Carefully, stick the liquid into the shape.
    Tape the shape and place it inside a wide tacho.
    Pour the water into the tacho without exceeding the form of the pudding.

    4. Lame to bake the preheated oven in the 190 ° C for 1 hour and 20 minutes.
    Before removing, make sure the pudding is cooked with a toothpick.
    After the cooked pudding, let it cool until loving and uncomfortable.
    After the unformed pudding save in the refrigerator until it is fresh.
    After cold is ready to serve.

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