360 g salmon loins
2 c. salt coffee
2 c. lemon juice soup
1 c. ginger root tea
2 c. powdered garlic tea
qb leaves / branch of dill or fennel
1 kg potatoes
350 g carrots
1 courgette
200 g mini
2 celery stalk
3 shallots
6 c. olive oil soup
1 c. sesame seeds soup
1. Season the salmon with a teaspoon of salt, lemon juice, ginger root and half of the garlic powder. Sprinkle with dill leaves (reserve some) and marinate in the refrigerator, covered.
2. Preheat the oven to 180ยบ C.
3. Skin the potatoes and carrots, cut them into slices and place them on an oven tray.
4. Wash the zucchini and mini peppers, cut the zucchini into cubes and the peppers into large segments or strips, cleaning them from seeds.
5. Wash the celery stems, trim the bases, remove the stiffest strands and cut them into thin sheets. Peel and cut the shallots into segments.
6. Add the prepared vegetables to the potatoes and carrots, sprinkle with the remaining garlic powder and season with the remaining salt.
7. Sprinkle with dill leaves and drizzle with four tablespoons of olive oil. Mix very well and spread on the tray.
8. Sprinkle with two to three tablespoons of water and bake for about 30 minutes or until the vegetables are tender.
9. About 10 minutes before the vegetables run out, drain the salmon, place it on another tray, drizzle with the remaining oil, sprinkle with the sesame seeds and bake for approximately 10 minutes.
10. Serve with vegetables and sprinkle with fresh dill leaves
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