Silvio Abreu
Funchal, Madeira, Portugal
Silvio's Interests





  • Silvio's Blog


    1 kg large octopus
    4 cloves of garlic
    2 bay leaves
    320 g new small potatoes with skin
    1 tablespoon. salt soup
    400 g pineapple
    80 g bacon with slices
    4 small fresh squids
    100 g spring onions
    0.5 dl olive oil
    q parsley
    40 g black olives



    1. Cook the octopus in abundant water with a clove of garlic and a bay leaf for about 35 minutes.
    2. Remove, let it cool slightly and cut it into pieces. Reserve.
    3. Wash the potatoes well and cook them in water seasoned with salt until they are tender.
    4. Cut the pineapple into two slices, remove the peels and wrap the bacon slices in the center. Reserve.
    5. Grill the squid and pieces of octopus.
    6. Remove and place the pineapple with bacon and chives on the grill.
    7. Place a stoneware platter on top of the grill and arrange the potatoes that are slightly crumpled.
    8. Add the green onions, the octopus and the grilled squid, sprinkle with the remaining chopped garlic and drizzle with the olive oil.
    9. Bring to a boil and garnish with chopped parsley and olives.
    10. Serve with the grilled pineapple.

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