Cooking Knockout

The Cooking Knockout is a tournament type of contest that starts every Monday and ends on Sundays. To participate, register (for free) on Monday when the new tournament starts. Each day of the tournament one random specific recipe is on the menu, and all the participating chefs have to cook that recipe.

The points for each time you cook that specific dish during that day will be added to the Cooking Knockout leaderboard for that day. The more times you cook the selected dish, the more points you get. The top 80% chefs each day will move forward to the next day in the tournament and the remaining 20% chefs with the lowest points are eliminated. The next day, points are reset to 0 and where is a new specific recipe on the menu.

Everyone who moves to the next day will win a prize. In the beginning of the week the prizes are small, but they increase towards the end of the week. You can see the current prizes and how many are moving forward to the next day on the Cooking Knockout page.

Please note that the yes/no column is for the current day, and does not reflect whether or not someone moved forward from a previous day in the week. When you view previous days in the week, the points list is correct but the yes/no column only applies to today's stats.