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  • If you want to be a part of the manav sampada portal then follow these instructions to register online for the manav sampada website.
    1. Open Official website of manav sampada Uttar Pradesh portal
    2. Now, click on eHRMS login on your top right corner
    3. You will see a login popup and enter complete and required information of department name(basic education, medical health etc.) user id, password and captcha code.
    4. Now, authorities can log into the Manav Sampada Portal and click on Make new user, for new employee registration.
    5. And then, Complete the mandatory information of the employee(Name, father/husband name, date of birth, gender, joining date, department and other required details).
    6. Recheck complete information and click on the submit button. After completion of the process employee user id and password are generated automatically.

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    Feb 14th 2024 at 6:08 AM by mangeto kale
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