Rita Evans
Good Ole USA Where Old Glory still waves from sea to shining sea. Long May She Wave in Freedom. God Bless America
Rita's Interests
Married 42 yrs. Hubby and I enjoy the outdoors, travel, the ocean, atv's, fishing and just being free and alive to enjoy life with family & friends.
Okay Food Game Lovers, I'm going to be in Kissimmee, Fl at one of the resorts and would love to meet some of you there. I can help you with setting up your page, or other questions concerning online information.

Join us on this journey and see how fun it is to find the good life on the internet.

Also, if you're interested in helping travelers see and do more at a reasonable price and help grow a thriving business, send me a DM letting me know if you have skills, if you enjoy travel, write, artwork, videos, etc. or just want to learn how to earn with travel at no cost.

Looking forward to seeing you on the inside.

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  • Rita's Blog

  • Aug 8th 2020 at 3:21 AM
    Read Klara's Post

    Find out more about How to Play The Food Game

    The banner below is only one of the many tools you'll find on The Food Game.

    The Food Game banner

    Playing the Food Game: by Klara

    Klara is a whiz kid at online traffic and has put together an article
    that will help explain the The Food Game in a quick read:

    Take a moment to find out how this Advertising platform keeps readers coming back to check new ads, but keeps them involved with a fun game for those who enjoy cooking.

    "Playing the Food Game by Klara"

    Does your brand involve cooking, baking, cookware or other type of food industry?

    If so I'd iike to invite you to add your brands advertising to The Food Game by clicking the banner below.

    1) Check your email for the verification link
    2) Upload a professional photo or logo (Profile)
    3) Fill out the payment options, address and phone
    4) Check your email daily for The Food Game

    Click here now to register and add your brand to this site.

    The Food Game banner

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  • Hi!

    Have you seen the Food Game yet? It's a fun game you can play while surfing and advertising online. It also lets you advertise and build downlines in all the participating traffic exchanges - currently 300 of them!

    In this game you are a chef and you can collect ingredients, learn recipes and cook dishes. You can claim all the things you need for this by surfing in the any of the participating traffic exchanges.

    When you cook a dish, you will earn points. Prizes go to for example the people with the most points total, most prizes collected, most mini events completed or highest points for a dish. There are also some random prizes and there is $42 in cash prizes every week.

    Anyone can get lucky and cook a masterpiece, an epic or legendary dish which will give you a score way above the rest.

    The more recipes you know, the more different dishes you can cook. Once you join and log in, start with the Tutorial. There is a link to it on top of your member home page. It will teach you how to play, and give you some free gifts.

    Click here to get started: *if the link doesn't click through, copy and paste into your browser.

    Good luck!

    RitaAnn~ Evans
    The Food Game . SURF

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  • Mar 17th 2024 at 8:05 PM
    🥓 A Food Business Game - Advertise

    Hi there,

    Have you seen Food Game . SURF yet?

    It's a fun game you can play while surfing and advertising online. It also lets you advertise and build downlines in all the participating traffic exchanges - currently 300 of them!

    In this game you are a chef and you can collect ingredients, learn recipes and cook dishes. You can claim all the things you need for this by surfing in the any of the participating traffic exchanges.

    When you cook a dish, you will earn points. Prizes go to for example the people with the most points total, most prizes collected, most mini events completed or highest points for a dish. There are also some random prizes and there is $42 in cash prizes every week.

    Anyone can get lucky and cook a masterpiece, an epic or legendary dish which will give you a score way above the rest.

    The more recipes you know, the more different dishes you can cook. Once you join and log in, start with the Tutorial. There is a link to it on top of your member home page. It will teach you how to play, and give you some free gifts.

    Click here to get started:


    Good luck!

    Wanting Hubby to be the Chef in The Food Game

    If you need quality traffic, signups, leads and sales you might be using traffic exchanges.

    Why not play a game at the same time, where you can earn advertising and build downlines in the best resources online?

    Play The Food Game and be the best chef with the most delicious recipes!

    The Food Game banner

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  • Mar 2nd 2024 at 10:10 AM
    Hello New Food Game Friends

    Hello and it's nice to meet everyone at
    The Food Game. SURF

    My new business friends list is growing and I'm up to 56
    business associates on The Food Game . Surf

    Be sure you white list The Food Game . Surf so you don't miss anything.
    Check with your personal email in order to find out more about that.

    Until then, I'm enjoying The Food Game . surf while visiting other sites that utitilize this website and its networking capabilities.
    Pretty amazing honestly.
    Klara has done an exceptional job putting things together and can see things as well as make them come to life.

    If you're not already cooking with this site, you should be.
    *note: I don't cook, but hubby does and I enjoy showing him what I'm cooking on this site. LOL

    It's more than fun and games, it's a set of tools that Brand Owners can Utilize and you'll possibly be glad you did.

    If you're a cook, and enjoy putting together recipes, or just enjoying playing games, check out more of what this site has to offer by clicking the banner.
    1) Get yourself moving in that direction, make sure to open the emails and white list this site..

    Then read on.

    250x250 The Food Game banner

    Once you've done that, connect with me and let me know how The Food Game . surf is working out for you.

    I'm looking forward to seeing your comments,


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  • Jan 17th 2024 at 12:47 AM
    An Apology

    Hello everyone,

    I was quickly going through my new friend requests at
    the Food Game - Food Game . SURF -

    Log in by adding that link - food game . surf (without spaces)

    Then while in the process of rushing through trying to catch up, I accidentally hit 'ignore' on at least one person - complete accident - please feel free to re apply to connect and apologies to whomever you are.

    If that's you, or if you'd just like to pop in and say hello, share an inspirational quote, encouraging word or share your Food Game tips or helpful hints, I'd love to hear from you.


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  • Sep 29th 2023 at 1:04 PM
    I Enjoy Traffic Exchanges - Update

    Hello and thank you all new Food Game Friends for connecting.

    I'd love your comments below, feel free to jump right in and let's find out more about one another on The Food Game.

    If you're new to The Food Game, please be sure to add your comment below and follow Klara, the owner of the site. Klara is sure to answer any questions you have if someone from the site doesn't help answer them here: I'm another member here, but I'll help if I can.

    Here's Klara's profile:

    If you've never been on a traffic exchange, you might just be missing out.

    Here's a little something to get an idea about the Food Game.

    * 20 of 62 total friends
    * No sales or commissions paid out yet.
    * Free level

    I'm reaching out to people around the site to introduce myself and invite them to check out the site and my profile blog here.

    I'd love to connect on business and send you to the right people on the site that can help you succeed.

    I'm looking forward to seeing your success at The Food Game,


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  • Apr 9th 2022 at 5:38 PM
    🌽 Fun game to play while surfing!

    Hi there!

    Did you see The Food Game yet?

    It is a great game you can play while surfing some of the best traffic exchanges!

    At the time of this writing there are a total or 306 traffic exchanges already offering the Food Game on their sites.

    In this game you are a chef and you can collect ingredients, learn recipes and cook dishes. You can level up and make better dishes and more difficult recipes, in order to earn more points.

    The best chefs of the week wins prizes. On top of that, you can easily advertise in all the participating sites, and also build downlines in all of them!

    Come on over to The Food Game and get started on your journey to becoming a master chef!

    Click here to get started:

    Hope to see you there!

    Here's my profile, come say hello and let me know you stopped by:

    I'll be looking forward to seeing you here as you stop by.


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  • Aug 7th 2020 at 11:40 PM
    Welcome to The Food Game

    🍉 🍊
    The Food Game banner

    I'm RitaAnn~ hi there.

    First, if you happen to be stopping by and taking a gander at this page.

    Well, while you're here, take just a quick moment to share this page, and then say hello so I'll know you stopped by.

    You can do that by hitting the "add a comment" button below.

    A Few things to keep in mind.

    1) When you register for the site, check your email for the verification link. Go do that now.

    2) Go to "Profile" and upload your professional photo, your address, phone, and banking details.
    You'll share your progress on your profile page as well as sharing your profile page with your social business friends.


    3) Open your email every day.

    If you haven't already done so, you can check out what the excitement is all about by clicking the banner above.

    After you've registered, checked your email, uploaded your photo, and filled out your payment information, add your business:
    "Your Brand Advertising"

    If you're serious about earning and enjoying an online game, go ahead and upgrade, use all the available tools, learn and begin your new adventure online.

    This page is where you check out members websites:
    Free: Look at 25 websites for free members.

    "Site Links"

    Go to this page and see your promotional information, begin to share on your social.

    "Site Links to Share"

    I look forward to seeing you around,


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Rita's RSS Feed
🥓 A Food Business Game - Advertise
Mar 17th 2024 at 8:05 PM
Hello New Food Game Friends
Mar 2nd 2024 at 10:10 AM
An Apology
Jan 17th 2024 at 12:47 AM
Rita's Friends
showing 20 of 61 total friends